Partners in
and Sexual Health
Everyone should have access to high-quality reproductive and sexual health care and education, regardless of their income and geography.
We support direct service providers so they can deliver high-quality reproductive and sexual health services tailored to their agency and community.
Our Mission
HCET’s mission is to provide comprehensive program development, education, and training to improve reproductive and sexual health outcomes.
Our Focus Areas
Adolescent Health
HCET’s adolescent programs provide support to schools and community-based organizations so that they can implement positive youth development and health education programs for teens.
Reproductive & Sexual Health Across the Lifespan
HCET’s reproductive and sexual health initiatives help provide skills-based education, training and technical assistance directly to healthcare providers, educators, and the public health workforce.
Trauma-Informed Care
In response to community needs, HCET developed the Midwest Trauma-Informed Care Training Center, or MTITC. MTITC offers in-person and virtual training resources and technical assistance for healthcare providers across the Midwest.
STI/HIV Prevention
HCET partners with organizations and communities to provide evidence-based, destigmatizing STI/HIV prevention strategies, and ensure providers are accessible and highly skilled.
What We Do

Education and

Grant and
Program Support


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